Last Night…

I finished Kakri! Total amount of words this draft was 30,500 which is a bit more than I was aiming for. I will say I wouldn’t put more story in, I’m pretty pleased it ended where it did. So now its finishing up its beta reading stages since I did a read as its written for it and then full out editing starts. Right now its looking like more of a late February release than March but its still too early to call. I’m going to be trying to narrow it down a bit as well as Teasers, Cover Art Reveal and other goodies. My brilliant cover photographer had a brilliant idea we really liked but need the weather to cooperate or we’re forced to our backup plan, which would work but she really wants the attempt at this and I can’t wait for you to see it.

Also last night on a break from writing I checked twitter and saw a tweet from my sister about something she used to do as a kid. I then proceeded to tweet back that I remembered this and get my tweet back in a quote with “I’m dying.” I re-read what I wrote to see what’s so funny the see it. I pretty much sent the tweet in Liz’s speech mannerisms and once that dawned on me I joined her in dying.

So today I have my coffee again and I launch fully into Darkness’s Fury while I’m waiting for my feedback on Kakri and enter editing mode. Its kinda nice to get back into a bit more familiar territory for me since Kakri only features a few characters over all and really required me to get into a somewhat alien mind. Its also nice to continue in a major step in the next leg of this story.

So as a tie in with that previous post about Facebook I’ve spruced up and dusted off my G+ profile and am working on getting used to things over there and checking stuff out in general. If you want feel free to add me here.  And since I realize I totally neglected to mention a few updates to the site such as the updated books page I want to do that now before I forget again. Want to know what’s planned for release and where to get it? That’s the place for you. If I add projects since I think there’s going to be at least one addition for the year (more details later) they’ll be added permanently there too. Still not sure about this crazy thing called Vengeance? Check out the entire prologue and chapter 1 under the other writing tab with the unedited additional prequel part. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Last Night…

  1. Congrats on finishing your latest project! Always feels good to finish the draft, even if there’s more work to be done. 🙂

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